Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Picture time!

So I finally remembered to bring my camera from home to upload some pictures I took of my condo for people to see who haven't been fortunate enough to visit the lovely city of Norfolk, VA...
Note the wall clock and mirror - two additions from the mother! She's so kind. I still need to hang up a few pictures, hang up a mirror, and add a shelf to to the wall for my mugs (below). Hopefully I'll get all that done in the next two weeks (before my grandparents come to visit!)

Here are two pictures of some mugs that I recently made in my pottery class. I'm actually very happy with them (which is unusual). I've made a couple other things, but haven't gotten them back from the glaze firing yet. One of my goals for this year is to set up a website and start selling my stuff. I'm going to run out of places to put it pretty soon...

And here's a cute pic of the Lukie B. I think this was taken when Rich, Em, Anna, and Luke came to visit in February. I have a feeling that the light is so bright because he was trying to grab the camera and pull it to himself. Crazy kid.
And here's my view of Norfolk at sunset from my living room. When it's not too cloudy, there is always an incredible sunset... I love my city!


Amanda said...

I love the mugs! And, your condo is beautiful. It makes me want to come visit you :)

Rich said...

Fenrisar is a big loser. Don't click on his link. :-) In another news, nice mugs!

Emily said...

Ash! Yea! Thanks for the pictures! I'm so excited to see all the things you make in your class. :)

Marci D. said...

Yeah for pics - it looks great and I can't wait to visit your beautiful city one day. Love the blue color too!