I would like to direct this post to all of you who constantly visit The Bradley Family Blog and always wonder things such as, Why don't they post more often? Is it really impossible to take more pictures and put them on a website? Do they think we don't care?!!
The answer to these questions is this: Yes, know you want to see more of the Lukester. But taking care of a baby takes WAY MORE TIME than you think. Some of you more mature and reasonable people probably weren't as impatient as I was, but these were the questions going through my head. The other major answer to the question is that taking pictures/videos of Luke is practically impossible unless you have the camera ready and he happens to not notice that you're getting ready to take pictures. Otherwise he won't do or say anything until you let him hold the camera. He can be very controlling sometimes.
Here's another answer for you: Yes, you're right, Lukie B really is the cutest and sweetest 1 year old boy on the earth. I was amazed at how quickly he adjusted to being with just me. There were still moments (especially when he woke up from his naps) when he seemed to be looking for Emily, but other than that he was pretty content. And there were even a few occasions when he would be playing with his toys, then look over to see me sitting on the couch, crawl over to me and get on the couch and give me a big hug and a smile, then go back to his toys. It was just so heart-melting.
The thing I enjoyed most about it, that really renewed my desire to have children, is just the unconditional love. It can get annoying at times that there is just utter dependency and no break at all EVER (until his parents come home), but for the most part, I really reveled in the love fest we had. If I ever went to the bedroom to fold laundry or put something away, I would promptly hear him crawling down the hall to follow me. He just enjoys being in your presence and doesn't want to be away from you. He would rather play at your feet than 15 feet away even though he can see you. It's such a wonderful feeling. And he's very good at unloading the dishwasher. You still have to pick up the dishes off the floor and put them away, but that's all part of the deal. :)
Here are some pictures/videos:

1. He loves to hit his head while reading the book I Love You Through and Through even though the boy in the book never hits his own head (I checked).
2. He really likes sandwiches with turkey. And he would love to try cream soda - he's pretty sure he would like it.
3. He doesn't like to wear shoes, especially when it's 90+ degrees outside.
4. He really likes to watch the video of U2, though he gets tired of it after about 5 minutes.
5. Favorite toy: Gagun - that's the cell phone. [he will even alert you when your cell phone alarm goes off, just in case you didn't hear it.]
I love you Lukie B!